Anandmath (Italian)


Anandamath, dello scrittore bengalese Bankim Chandra Chatterjee del secolo XIX, è il romanzo dell’insurrezione del popolo hindu contro il dominio dei Musulmani e Inglesi, avvenuta nella seconda metà del 1700. Gli Inglesi erano allora in fase ascendente per il pieno dominio dell’India. Il popolo soffriva la fame, subiva patenti vessazioni dai governanti, era costretto a pagare ingenti tasse, così si ribellò. Chi lo guidò furono degli illuminati Sannyasin – uomini e donne erranti che hanno rinunciato ai beni materiali per trovare Dio, secondo l’Induismo. Il Sannyasin viene a conoscere Dio dunque viene a conoscere il proprio vero Sé: la sua coscienza s’espande a tutto il creato e si fa carico del bene e male di esso. Egli è mosso dall’amore verso tutti gli esseri. Il Sannyasin del romanzo non è tuttavia un rinunciatario della vita materiale: si butta con tutto il cuore nell’azione anche cruenta per alleviare le sofferenze del popolo.

Bankim sa entrare nella psiche dei protagonisti, ne svela i moti interiori, così aggiungendo alla vividezza dei fatti esteriori, a volte impietosi, i colori dell’anima. E il lettore ne beneficia , in quanto non può esimersi dal confrontarli con le proprie pulsioni interiori.

Sri Aurobindo, il pioniere della libertà dell’India dal giogo britannico prima e del futuro glorioso dell’umanità poi, di ritorno dall’Inghilterra (nel 1893) scrisse degli articoli su Bankim, che testimoniamo dell’influenza su di lui, per la virtù letteraria e specificatamente per Anandamath, il suo spirito e fuoco rivoluzionario, di opposizione costi quel che costi alla schiavitù di stranieri. E per entrare più a fondo e presto in quello spirito egli tradusse buona parte del romanzo. Il canto Bande Mataram, parte del libro, divenne grazie a Sri Aurobindo il motto e grido di libertà del popolo indiano agli inizi del 1900, ben prima della liberazione.

The attached work is the Italian translation of book Anandamath by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, from the English version of Sri Aurobindo and his brother Barin, as issued by Auro-ebooks.

Book Details

Author: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Translation into Italian: Giancarlo Pedralli
Print Length: 120
Original source:
Submitted by: giancarlo PEDRALLI
Book format: Pdf
Language: Italian
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光之游戏(一)LightGame I

光之游戏(一)LightGame I

This booklet is based on the tri-lingual (English, French and German) version of LightGame I published in 1977 by AUROPUBLICATIONS, Auroville, India.
这本小书《光之游戏(一)》是根据1977年印度黎明之城AUROPUBLICATIONS出版的三语版(英、法、德语)LightGame I翻译而成。

The author and the illustrator of the tri-lingual version are anonymous.

Illustrations in this book come from the tri-lingual version.

Book Details

Author: Anonymous
Print Length: 43
Translated by: Anandi
Book format: Pdf
Language: English and Chinese
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It is a very precious “story” book for children of all ages, introducing a practice that can start young and at any age. This tri-lingual (English, French and German) version of LightGame I was published in 1977 by AUROPUBLICATIONS, Auroville, India. The publishing house AUROPUBLICATIONS no longer exists in Auroville, and the book is out of print. The author and the illustrator remain anonymous. A copy of it was found at the Free Store bookshelf in Auroville.

Book Details

Author: Anonymous
Print Length: 41
Publisher: AUROPUBLICATIONS, Auroville, India
Submitted by: Anandi
Book format: Pdf
Language: English, French and German
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走进黎明之城 – The Spirit of Auroville


The Spirit of Auroville




英文内容和图片、小标题、排版:Olivier Barot

中文翻译:清宁 校对:倪慧

You say that Auroville is a dream. Yes, it is a “dream” of the Lord and generally, these “dreams” turn out to be true, much more true than the human so-called realities!

Texts in this book are selected from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. You can read the book while visiting the exhibition “The Spirit of Auroville” by following the serial numbers marked at the bottom of the exhibition panels. Exhibition Venue: Auroville Visitor’s Centre, next to the Information office.

Book Details

Author: the Mother

English text and picture selection: Olivier Barot

Chinese translation: Anandi Zhang

Proofreading: Ni Hui

Print Length: 64 pages

Book format: PDF

Language: English & Chinese

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On Chinese Wisdom

On Chinese Wisdom

This compilation is inspired by and offered to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother who guide us by their Presence and example. It serves as a reference material for people who find it useful to learn and apply the wisdom in life. This is an age where each individual has a unique role to play, and each culture has an opportunity to radiate its full potential, beauty and fragrance in the world garden. May each one blossom like a flower, each in its own time, own way. May humanity aspire for and realise Unity in Diversity by unending education, constant progress and a youth that never ages.

Book Details

Author: Sri Aurobindo, the Mother

Compiler: Anandi Zhang

Print Length: 48 pages

Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Language: English Read more





作者: 室利·阿羅頻多疏釋 徐梵澄譯
頁數: 158頁
出版發行: 室利·阿羅頻多修道院印刷所華文部出版圖書處
資料來源: Jared, 新加坡室利·阿羅頻多社區
編輯: Fan Muyang
書籍格式: pdf
語言: 華文
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《母親的話》記錄了室利阿羅頻多修道院院母,人稱“母親(The Mother)”的著述及與弟子們之間的對話,內容涉及日常生活和瑜伽修行的諸多方面。


作者: 法國院母 密那氏著述;徐梵澄譯
頁數: 405頁
出版發行: 室利阿羅頻多修道院印刷所華文部出版
出版日期: 1958年7月
編輯: Asha
書籍格式: pdf
語言: 華文
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O Homem Após o Homem (Portuguese)

O Homem Após o Homem

Entrevista de Satprem sobre a evolução da humanidade.

Book Details

Author: Satprem
Print Length: 19
Original source:
Submitted by: Diego Jorge Azevêdo de Mello
Book format: Pdf
Language: Portuguese (Português Brasileiro)
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作者: 徐梵澄著
頁數: 28頁
出版發行: 香港阿羅頻多哲學會
出版日期: 1954年10月1日出版
編輯: Anandi
書籍格式: pdf
語言: 華文
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Un Vent de Liberté par Phileo

Un Vent de Liberté

À travers cet essai, l’auteur dresse un tableau des rapports humains dans le monde actuel, rapports inscrits dans une totale aliénation de l’Homme à l’Intellect, à la raison “raisonnante” qui le conduit sans discontinuer à vouloir imiter la Nature, à la singer sans jamais l’égaler, à vouloir la posséder sans jamais pouvoir la contrôler. Et cette volonté de possession et de contrôle s’exerce dans tous les espaces et à tous les niveaux de tous les systèmes hiérarchiques planétaires. Profits et Contrôle des Masses dirigent la Politique “libérale” de l’Humanité qui s’oriente fatalement vers un enfermement psychique généralisé, individuellement et collectivement.

Cet essai tente également de démontrer qu’il n’est pas souhaitable pour l’Homme d’attendre que sa libération de toute forme d’emprisonnement psychique s’accomplisse depuis le monde objectivé. Bien au contraire, c’est par une profonde connaissance de Soi, par l’exercice du nécessaire dialogue entre sa Conscience et son Inconscient, dialogue fondateur de notre Psychisme (notre Âme), que l’Homme parviendra enfin à sa Totalité (l’Homme Total).

Détails du livre

Auteur: Phileo
Longueur d’impression: 58
Éditeur: Auro e-Books
Format du livre: pdf, ePub, mobi
Langue: Français, Anglais

Table des matières

  • Introduction
  • Illusions
  • Science, Morale, Hiérarchie et Ordre Social
  • La Cybernétique
  • Notre Psychisme, Pour une Psychologie libertaire, L’autre part de la Philosophie

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