The Mother

The Mother by Sri Aurobindo

The Mother

Book The Mother by Sri Aurobindo: These inspirational essays by Sri Aurobindo form a powerful statement of the true attitude to be taken by a sadhak of the integral Yoga: one of a complete and dynamic surrender to the Mother. They describe the triple movement of aspiration, rejection, and surrender, the conditions for a true faith and sincerity, the irresistible power of the Divine Mother’s grace, the need to reconquer the money-force for the Mother’s work, and the joy of a perfect instrumentality through selfless work, surmounting the demands of the ego. The final piece describes the four great powers and personalities of the Divine Mother.

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An Invitation for Collaboration

Auro e-Books Participation

We are aspiring that all Sri Aurobindo and the Mother works would be available for download in the contemporary digital format so it would be possible to carry them in the digital device wherever we go.

We are inviting people of good will and technical skill to participate in this project in order to make this dream true.
